Troubleshooting A Dead Computer

Troubleshooting a dead computer

One of the most difficult computer problems is computer problem die extreme.
If you already "dead" means there are no signs of life at all Okeh's get started!!
The average user does not know the internal workings of a computer.
So when something is wrong, they do not know where to begin to see the damaged parts or repair the computer.

do not worry about following tips will help and give some general knowledge about what can go wrong with your PC and give you some ideas on how to fix it.
For starters, if the computer is still under warranty, do not open your kompter, as this will void the warranty.
Another case've run out if the warranty period, total dead is usually a computer that was normal due to a bad motherboard, bad power supply, or hardware that others are damaged.
The following steps will help you find your computer problems. Start with the easiest problem to the most difficult problems.

One of the first things you should do is turn off the computer next Open the case and check the connections to see if you see something blatantly wrong, if indeed there is nothing obviously broken, I suggest you check the section below!Maybe your computer Power Supply is defective The Power Supply usually damaged caused by irregular electrical voltage, so power to the motherboard and other components so it is not constant, but you do not need to worry because you can fix your computer's power supply by way of seeing where the power cord plugs into the PC,then you should tester computer directly to a wall and cut each strip power.

You should also check whether the outlet is functioning properly. Make sure the switch the red voltage regulator on the back is set to 115.
Next, take the tester power supply, adjust the voltage going into the Power Supply, if your current electricity 350WT, make sure your Power supply or higher power 350WTCheck your computer's motherboard Motherboard problem is the most difficult to examine.

If your motherboard proved to be damaged, it must be removed from the case and replaced. Unfortunately, many people attach to the motherboard, such as RAM, PCI cards, Video Cards, hard drives, CD / DVD drive, power supply and other. So replacing a bad motherboard is a long process. A poor motherboard will be determined as follows: If all the above are not the problem, the motherboard is the problem by default. 

A bad motherboard may have visual signs of damage, such as bulging or leaking capacitors. With the computer disconnected, try holding the power button in for twenty seconds. This will drain the power capacitor. Try removing all non-essential cards and drives in the computer. 

You do not need a modem, sound card, hard drive, CD / DVD drive, or floppy drive connected to boot. Our goal is to get clean power-up situation, no longer boot into windows. 

If you withdraw after the non-essential parts and still the total death means your motherboard is damaged and must be replaced 


Word and Excel password

Word and Excel password

Sometimes we want to protect our hard work in MS Word & MS Excel.For example lyrics to the song that we painstakingly created, verse poetry, diary, or other important data.
But we do not know how. By utilizing the facilities of password disediatakan MS Word and Excel we can protect important files that we have. 
So that we only who knows the password can open the file.

There are two types of password protection provided by Word or Excel, the first being the "Password to Open" is the password required to open a document file. 
If you want other people could not open and then read your documents, it helps you use this option.
Who's the second protection is the "Password to Modify", this one is meant if you want that your original document can not be touched or changed by others.

Both protection can be used simultaneously, you can also just wear a protection only. 
For example if you just want others to read just enough without being able to alter or tamper with your original document, you can use the "Password to Modify" so that your original documents will be safe from unwanted events.

But if you want others to not be able to open and then edit your original document, you can apply the "Password to Modify" and "Password to Open" in your document. And to ensure the safety of your documents, you should use a different password for "Password to Open" and "Password to Modify"

And here are the steps to protect a Word document or Excel by using a password.

1. First of all open MS Word

2. worked do whatever you with to write your own

3. Then click File -> Select Save As -> Save As Then will appear / CTRL + S

4. Click tools -> Select Security Options -> Security and will appear

5. Fill in "Password to open" / "Password to Modify" with the desired password and click ok

6. Contents Confirm password in accordance with the password that you'd write ->
then click ok

7. after that save

8. Completed

If you want to protect your document with a password in MS Word.doing the same manner by the above add in stages to 5 with a password to modify the password you want and then proceed to the next stage until the last stage.

Not easy, now you can protect your document by using passwords.Good luck


The Cause Slow Bootup Of Windows On Your Computer

The Cause Slow Bootup Of Windows On Your Computer

Windows you are so slow when you first turned on? 
Do not blame Microsoft with Windows that you use, because who knows exactly the specifications of your computer is the cause. 
Well, some things below that could cause the Windows bootup process is slow, check and re-check so that you can know exactly the problems faced by your computer.

1. RAM is inadequate One cause of the bootup process is slow because there is no adequate RAM. Check your computer specifications, if the RAM is already meets the minimum standards required? For Windows 95 and Windows 98 you must have a minimum of 32 megabytes of RAM, 64 megabytes for Windows ME, 128 megabytes for Windows 2000, Windows XP is at least 256 megabytes and 512 megabytes of Windows Vista. Bigger would be better.

2. Your hard drive is too slow For problems like this, try to do the defrag on your hard drive. When buying a new hard drive, you should vote who has the speed (RPM) high.

3. You do not have enough diskspace for the swapfile.

4. Too many fonts or font It is nice still got hundreds of letters on your computer, so you can freely create a variety of papers, reports, pamphlets, brochures with the diverse characters. But if your computer has over 800 letters, do not be surprised the bootup process was so slow. So try fonts installed on your computer no more than 200 letters, fewer would be better.

5. Network Drivers (LAN, Dial Up Networking) you too take some time to load, and therefore contributes to the length of the bootup process.

6. Too many programs that automatically run at bootup You see at the bottom right of your Windows (Taskbar right), if you see a lot of program icons there, it was a sign a lot of programs that automatically run when you first lit windows. So try to disable some unnecessary programs running automatically


Computer Acronyms

Computer Acronyms 

Although we are just as normal user, which only serves as a computer user's course, it helps us know a bit about the acronyms, the acronym in the field of per-komputeran. Until a time when we have problems with computers, we can get a little know how and what problems we are facing. In addition, by knowing a few computer acronyms, at least we can prevent the possibility of fraudulent acts occur because of your ignorance about the general terms in the field of computers. 

Do not be, right we are asked: "Does your motherboard have an AGP slot?" We just stopped in silence, because the least we do not know whether it is AGP? 
And you claim to have 5 five years have computers? 

--- A ---
* ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
* AGP - Accelerated Graphics Port
* ALI - Acer Labs, Incorporated
* ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
* AMD - Advanced Micro Devices
* APC - American Power Conversion
* ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
* ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit
* ASPI - Advanced SCSI Programming Interface
* AT - Advanced Technology
* ATI - ATI Technologies Inc.
* ATX - Advanced Technology Extended

--- B ---
* BFG - BFG Technologies
* BIOS - Basic Input Output System
* BNC - Barrel Nut Connector

--- C ---
* CAS - Column Address Signal
* CD - Compact Disk
* CDR - Compact Disk Recorder
* CDRW - Compact Disk Re-Writer
* CD-ROM - Compact Disk - Read Only Memory
* CFM - Cubic Feet per Minute
* CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
* CPU - Central Processing Unit
* CTX - CTX Technology Corporation (Commited to Excellence)

--- D ---
* DDR - Double Data Rate
* DDR-SDRAM - Double Data Rate - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
* DFI - DFI Inc. (Design for Innovation)
* DIMM - Dual Inline Memory Module
* DRAM - Dynamic Random Access Memory
* DPI - Dots Per Inch
* DSL - See ASDL
* DVD - Digital Versatile Disc
* DVD-RAM - Digital Versatile Disk - Random Access Memory

--- E ---
* ECC - Error Correction Code
* ECS - Elitegroup Computer Systems
* EDO - Extended Data Out
* EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
* EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
* EVGA - EVGA Corporation

--- F ---
* FC-PGA - Flip Chip Pin Grid Array
* FDC - Floppy Disk Controller
* FDD - Floppy Disk Drive
* FPS - Frame Per Second
* FPU - Floating Point Unit
* FSAA - Full Screen Anti-Aliasing
* FS - For Sale
* FSB - Front Side Bus

--- G ---
* GB - Gigabytes
* GBps - Gigabytes per second or Gigabits per second
* GDI - Graphical Device Interface
* GHz - GigaHertz

--- H ---
* HDD - Hard Disk Drive
* HIS - Hightech Information System Limited
* HP - Hewlett-Packard Development Company
* HSF - Heatsink-Fan

--- I ---
* IBM - International Business Machines Corporation
* IC - Integrated Circuit
* IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics
* IFS- Item for Sale
* IRQ - Interrupt Request
* ISA - Industry Standard Architecture
* ISO - International Standards Organization

--- J ---
* JBL - JBL (Jame B. Lansing) Speakers
* JVC - JVC Company of America

--- K ---
* Kbps - Kilobits Per Second
* KBps - KiloBytes per second

--- L ---
* LG - LG Electronics
* LAN - Local Area Network
* LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
* LDT - Lightning Data Transport
* LED - Light Emitting Diode

--- M ---
* MAC - Media Access Control
* MB - MotherBoard or Megabyte
* MBps - Megabytes Per Second
* Mbps - Megabits Per Second or Megabits Per Second
* MHz - MegaHertz
* MIPS - Million Instructions Per Second
* MMX - Multi-Media Extensions
* MSI - Micro Star International

--- N ---
* NAS - Network Attached Storage
* NAT - Network Address Translation
* NEC - NEC Corporation
* NIC - Network Interface Card

--- O ---
* OC - Overclock (Over Clock)
* OCZ - OCZ Technology
* OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer

--- P ---
* PC - Personal Computer
* PCB - Printed Circuit Board
* PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect
* PDA - Personal Digital Assistant
* PCMCIA - Peripheral Component Microchannel Interconnect Architecture
* PGA - Professional Graphics Array
* PLD - Programmable Logic Device
* PM - Private Message / Private Messaging
* PnP - Plug 'n Play
* PNY - PNY Technology
* POST - Power On Self Test
* PPPoA - Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM
* PPPoE - Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
* PQI - PQI Corporation
* PSU - Power Supply Unit

--- R ---
* RAID - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
* RAM - Random Access Memory
* RAMDAC - Random Access Memory Digital Analog Convertor
* RDRAM - Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
* ROM - Read Only Memory
* RPM - Revolutions Per Minute

--- S ---
* SASID - Self-scanned Amorphous Silicon Integrated Display
* SCA - SCSI Configured Automatically
* SCSI - Small Computer System Interface
* SDRAM - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
* SECC - Single Edge Contact Connector
* SODIMM - Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module
* SPARC - Scalable Processor ArChitecture
* SOHO - Small Office Home Office
* SRAM - Static Random Access Memory
* SSE - Streaming SIMD Extensions
* SVGA - Super Video Graphics Array
* S/PDIF - Sony/Philips Digital Interface

--- T ---
* TB - Terabytes
* TBps - Terabytes per second
* Tbps - Terabits per second
* TDK - TDK Electronics
* TEC - Thermoelectric Cooler
* TPC - TipidPC
* TWAIN - Technology Without An Important Name

--- U ---
* UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
* USB - Universal Serial Bus
* UTP - Unshieled Twisted Pair

--- V ---
* VCD - Video CD
* VPN - Virtual Private Network

--- W ---
* WAN - Wide Area Network
* WTB - Want to Buy
* WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get

--- X ---
* XGA - Extended Graphics Array
* XFX - XFX Graphics, a Division of Pine
* XMS - Extended Memory Specification
* XT - Extended Technology


Story About the Virus (last episode)

Story About the Virus (last episode)


Viruses as biological viruses must have the media to spread, virus computer can control every aspect spread a computer / other machinery as well as through various ways, including:

1. Floppy disks, storage media R / W External storage media can be an easy target for the virus to be the media. Whether as a place to settle or as a distribution media. Media bias operation R / W (read and Write) it is possible to in riding the virus and serve as media distribution.

2. Network (LAN, WAN, etc.) The relationship between multiple computers directly was possible a viruses follow to move the event of an exchange / execution of files / programs which contains a virus.

3. WWW (Internet) Very likely a site deliberately induced in a 'virus' that will infect the computers that access it.

4. Software Freeware, Shareware or even piracy Lots of viruses are deliberately induced in a program that in disseminate good for free, or trial version, which would have virus embedded in it.

5. Attachment in Email, transferring files Almost all types of virus spread recently using email attachments because all Internet service users must be using email to communicate, these files are deliberately striking / attract attention, even often have a double extension on the file naming.


1. Steps for Prevention For prevention you can do some of the following steps: 
o Use Antivirus you trust with the latest updatean, no regardless of brand origin is always updated, and turn on the Auto protect 
o Always scan all external storage media that will be used, maybe this is a bit inconvenient but if your anti-virus Autoprotect working then this procedure can be skipped. 
o If you are connected directly to the Internet try to combine Your antivirus with Firewall, Anti-spamming, etc.

2. Step If already infected
o Detection and determine roughly where the source of the virus if the diskette, network, email etc., if you connect to your network so it's good isolate your computer first (either by unplugging the cable or disable from the control panel) 
o Identify and classify what type of virus that attacks your pc, by: - Symptoms that arise, for example: messages, files are corrupted or missing, etc. - Scan with your antivirus, if you hit when walking Autoprotect virus definition in the computer means you do not have data of this virus, try to update manually or download a virus definitionnya for you install. If the virus is blocking your efforts to update it then, try to use other media (computer) with antivirus Latest update. 
o Clean, after you've managed to detect and recognize it then try immediately to seek removal or the means to destroy it on site -Site that provides information on virus growth. This is when antivirus latest updates of you do not succeed destroy it. 
o Step worst, if all the above does not work is the format reset your computer.


Hopefully the discussion about this virus can provide benefits in particular for writers who are studying and for all of us generally, writing is intended to merely learning so it is expected criticism and suggestions. If the many flaws in this article please understandable.


Story About the Virus (episode two)

Story About the Virus (episode two) 

Viral life cycle in general, through 4 stages:

o Dormant phase (Phase Rest / Sleep) In this phase the virus is not active. The virus will be activated by a condition specific, such as: the date specified, the presence of other programs / execution other programs, etc.. Not all viruses through this phase

o Propagation phase (Phase Distribution) In this phase the virus will unite himself to a program
or to a place of storage media (both hard drives, ram etc). Each Infected programs will be the result of "cloning" virus (Depending on how the virus infects)

o Trigerring phase (Phase Active) In this phase the virus becomes active and this is also the trigger by some conditions as in Dormant phase

o Execution phase (Phase Execution) In this phase the virus is active before going to perform its function. Such as deleting files, display messages, etc. 


To further refine our knowledge about the virus, I will try provide an explanation of the types of viruses that often roam in the cyber world.
1.Macro Virus This virus type must have been very often we hear. The virus is written with the programming language of an application rather than by language programming of an Operating System. The virus is able to walk when constituent applications to run well, meaning if the mac computer can run the application word so this virus works on Mac operating system computers 

virus samples:

- Variant W97M, eg W97M.Panther 1234 bytes long, will infect the and infect the document when opened. - WM.Twno.A; TW 41 984 bytes long, Ms.Word document will infect that use macro languages, usually DOT and the extension *. DOC *.

2.Boot Sector Virus Boot sector viruses are spread is very common. The virus is in the double he will move or replace the original boot sector with the program boot virus. Thus, whenever booting the virus will be loaded into memory and then the virus will have the ability to control the hardware standard (Ex: monitor, printer, etc.) and from this memory is also the virus will spread to all existing drives and connect to the computer (ex: floppy, another drive other than drive c). 
virus samples:

- Variant virus wyx ex: wyx.C (B) infects the boot record and floppy; length: 520 bytes; characteristics: memory resident and encrypted) 
- Variant V-sign: infect: Master boot record; 520 bytes long; characteristics: living in the memory (memory resident), encrypted, and polymorphic) 
- Stoned.june 4th / bloody! infect: Master boot record and floppy 520 bytes long; characteristics: living in the memory (memory resident), encrypted and display message "Bloody! june 4th 1989 after the computer is booting 128 times

3.Stealth Virus This virus will master table at the DOS interrupt table that often we know with "Interrupt interceptor". this virus is capable to control DOS level instruction and the instruction they usually hidden as its name either full or size. 

virus samples: 
- Yankee. XPEH.4928, infect files *. COM and *. EXE; 4298 bytes long; characteristics: living in memory, the size of the hidden, has a trigger - WXYC (which includes any category because the boot record into stealth category Also included here), an infected floppy motherboot record 520 bytes long; living in the memory; size and hidden viruses.
- Vmem (s): infect files *. EXE, *. SYS and *. COM; fie 3275 bytes long; characteristics: living in memory, the size of the hidden, is encrypted.

4. Polymorphic Viruses The virus is designed to make misleading antivirus program, meaning the virus is always trying to avoid being recognized by the anti virus is always changing the way fox structure after each infected file / other programs

virus samples:

- Necropolis A / B, infect files *. EXE and *. COM; files 1963 bytes long characteristics: living in memory, the size and viruses hidden, encrypted and can be changed to change the structure 
- Nightfall, infect files *. EXE files 4554 bytes long; characteristics: living in memory, the size and hidden viruses, has a trigger, encrypted and can change structure

5. Virus Files / Program This virus infects an executable file directly from the operating system, whether the application configuration file (*. EXE), or *. com is usually also the result of infection of this virus can be identified by changing the size of files that attacked.

6. Multi Partition Virus This virus is a combination dariVirus boot sector and file viruses: it means the work performed resulted in two, that he can infect files *. EXE file and also infect the Boot Sector. 


Story About the Virus (episode one)

Story About the Virus (episode one)

1949, John Von Neuman, expressed "self-altering automata theorywhich is the result of research mathematicians.

1960, lab BELL (AT & T), experts in the lab BELL (AT & T) trial and error theory revealed by john von neuman, they play around with the theory is for a type of game. The experts make program that can reproduce itself and to destroy the program artificial opponent

Programs that are able to survive and destroy all programs another, it will be considered a winner. The game was eventually a favorite game in each and every computer lab the longer they was conscious and started to be aware of this game because the program created more and more dangerous, so they do supervision and strict security.

1980, the program that became known as the "virus" is managed to spread beyond the lab environment, and began tocirculate in cyber world.

1980, the start is known viruses that spread in the cyber world.


 "program cans That Infect other programs by modifying Them toinclude a slighty altered copy of itself.
A virus spreads cans Throughout computer system or network using the authorization of every user using it to Their programs Infect. That gets infected every programs act as cansAlso That a virus infection grows "

(Fred Cohen)

The first time the term "virus" is used by Fred Cohen in 1984 in United States. A computer virus called "virus" because it has some fundamental equation with the virus in medical terms (biologicalviruses).

Computer viruses can be interpreted as a computer program.but have fundamental differences with other programs, namely virus designed to infect other programs, changemanipulate it even hurt it. There is to be noted herevirus will infect only if a trigger program or programs you have infected was executed, where it differs with the "worm". Writing This worm will not be discussed because the later will divert us from discussion of this virus.


A program called the new virus can be said is completely true virus when at least have 5 criteria: 

1. The ability of a virus to obtain information 

2. His ability to examine a program 

3. His ability to reproduce and transmit 
4. His ability to manipulate 
5. His ability to conceal themselves. 

Now will try to explain briefly what is meant from each Every ability is and why it is needed. 

1. The ability to obtain information 

In general, a virus requires a list of file names that exist in a directory, for what? so that he can identify what programs Just who will he the infection, such as macro viruses that will infect all files ending in *. doc after the virus was found, this is where the ability gather the information necessary for the virus to create a list / all data files, continue to sort them by looking for files that can be infected. Normally this data is created when an infected program or even a virus program is executed. The virus will immediately take data collection and put them in RAM, so if computer is turned off all the data is lost but will be created each program virus run and is usually created as hidden files by virus. 

2. The ability to check divulging program 

A virus must also be biased to examine a program that will be in infection, for example, he served infect *.doc extension program, he must check if a file document has been infected or not, It's very useful to improve the ability of a virus in terms of speed infect a file / program.Yang commonly performed by the virus is have / give a mark on the files / programs that have been infected so easy to recognize by the virus. Sample marking is such as to provide a unique bytes in each file have been infected. 

3. The ability to multiply 

The core of the virus is the ability to reproduce itself by infecting other programs. A virus if the victim has found candidates (Either a file or program), then he will recognize it with a check, if it is not infected then the virus will initiate action to infect by writing the byte identifiers in the program / file, and so copy the copy / write the object code of the virus on the file / program infected. Some common ways that done by the virus to reproduce itself are: 

a. Files / Programs that will acquire deleted or renamed. then created a file using that name by using the virus 
it (ie virus name change by the name of the deleted file) 
b. Virus program already in execution / loads into memory will be directly infect other files by way of riding all the files / programs existing. 

4. Their ability to manipulate 

Routine (routine) owned by a virus will be executed after the virus infect a file / program. contents of this routine can be varied ranging from the lightest to destruction. This routine is generally used to manipulate the program or popularizing the creators! This routine advantage of the ability of an operating system (Operating System),  so have the same ability with the present system operation. example: 

a. Create a picture or message on the monitor 
b. Replace / change the change the label of each file, directory, or the label of drive on the pc 
c. Manipulating programs / files that infected 
d. Destructive programs / files 
e. Disrupting the printer working 

5. The ability to hide themselves 

The ability to hide themselves must be owned by a virus for all  good job from the beginning to the success of transmission can be accomplished. the usual steps are: 

-Original program / virus is stored in coded form and machines combined with  Other programs that are considered useful by the user. 

-Virus program is put on the boot record or tracks that rarely  note by the computer itself 

-Virus program is made as short as possible, and the results are not infected files changing size 
-The virus does not change the description of time a file