Security Computer From Viruses

Security Computer From Viruses

Is your computer affected by virus? Did you find a strange message on your screen that previously did not appear? Do you feel your computer is more and more slowly? Okay, this is a common problem found by computer owners all over the world.There are many viruses and worms out there that can infect your computer. 

Some effects of the virus is very diverse. There is at normal level category, meaning that only affect the performance of the system on your computer. At a higher level of virus also can menghapud your important data. Highly fatal, even a virus can also damage your computer system. For computers that connect networks, could be a virus can turn your computer as a zombie computer (a computer-controlled by someone else). 
How, terrible rather than the effects of a virus attack on your computer. Tips below may need to know to overcome or at least prevent a virus attack from outside. 

1. E-mail is one way of spreading the virus of the easiest and most dangerous. Make sure you open the e-mail from sources that you make sure they were correct. If the e-mail that you get comes from sources that you do not know or do not come from the contacts list you have, immediately delete the e-mail. Make sure the incoming SPAM list soon emptied. Never once to open it. 

2. USB Flash Disk is the method most widely spread of the virus second only to e-mail. So make sure your anti virus updated well before the USB Flash Disk incoming connect on your computer.Scan first before opening. How open is also not in the double click, but with right-click and select Open. This method is safer to avoid the viruses that enter via autoruns which is included in USB Flash Disk. 

3. Be careful to use e-mail client program such as Microsoft Outlook. Make sure the program is updated properly. If the operating system you are using is pirated, I suggest you use e-mail clients that are free and can be updated automatically, such as Mozilla Thunderbird or Pegasus. 

4. Everyone must know the internet is a source of spread of the virus in the world. Nearly 80% of viruses spread through this route.The following safety tips when you do the surfing world in the realm of the internet: - Do not click on pop-up window that appears. For example, notice that you are the winner of a lottery or click a few times then you'll win a lottery. Actually it is a malicious program that automatically will send a trojan or spyware to your computer. - You can use the feature or program atomatis block on pop-ups that will be displayed. This feature is usually already included in the web browser you use. 

5. Search engines such as Google sometimes can not filter out sites that are regarded as dangerous. For that you can install a program that can automatically detect sites that are not worth a visit or dangerous. Free programs you can use is AVG Link Scanner. AVG Free program is able to detect artificial sites google search results. If the site contains a malicious virus, it will display a warning or will be automatically blocked sites can not be opened. 

6. Install anti-virus you can trust. It does not have a paid anti-virus, for home users / personal you can use anti-virus free is no less popular with the anti-viral paid, such as Avira, AVG, Clamav, and others. Make sure you do the updates regularly to ensure that you install anti-virus capable of holding the virus that are increasingly developing its ability. 

7. Install anti-Spyware is also to prevent the introduction of malware and spyware. Both these malicious programs in addition to making the computer is running slow, also can mengahantarkan your computer as a zombie computer that can control the people out there. Some anti-spyware program free is quite famous is Spyware Doctor, Spyware Terminator, etc. 

8. Never open attachments that are included in the e-mail from an unknown source properly. Although attachment of the included file is a file format that is rarely carry viruses such as. Txt,. Jpeg,. Gif,. Bmp,. Tif,. Mp3,. Htm,. Html, and. Avi, but make sure you do a scan beforehand. 

9. Use a disk (CD / DVD) to mengimpan / backing up important data that are not easily infected with the virus. CD / DVD is only read only (only readable), but make sure before they are placed into the disk, the data have been liberated from the virus. Karen if data bervirus, then it's useless to be stored on the disk. 

10. Set the operating system you use to always do the updates regularly. This can reduce the risk of virus attacks from outside because the gap of viral entry have been closed by the updates that you do. But the update can only be successful if the operating system you are using is genuine. If not I suggest you use a free operating system such as Linux. 

11. When you download programs from warez sites, make sure your anti-virus installed and updated properly. Files that are derived from these sites sometimes deliberately infiltrated by a dangerous virus. 

12. Finally I suggest, do not visit sites that contain malicious viruses and malicious programs that can harm your computer itself, such as warez sites, crack, serial, porn, and others.


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