Story About the Virus (episode one)

Story About the Virus (episode one)

1949, John Von Neuman, expressed "self-altering automata theorywhich is the result of research mathematicians.

1960, lab BELL (AT & T), experts in the lab BELL (AT & T) trial and error theory revealed by john von neuman, they play around with the theory is for a type of game. The experts make program that can reproduce itself and to destroy the program artificial opponent

Programs that are able to survive and destroy all programs another, it will be considered a winner. The game was eventually a favorite game in each and every computer lab the longer they was conscious and started to be aware of this game because the program created more and more dangerous, so they do supervision and strict security.

1980, the program that became known as the "virus" is managed to spread beyond the lab environment, and began tocirculate in cyber world.

1980, the start is known viruses that spread in the cyber world.


 "program cans That Infect other programs by modifying Them toinclude a slighty altered copy of itself.
A virus spreads cans Throughout computer system or network using the authorization of every user using it to Their programs Infect. That gets infected every programs act as cansAlso That a virus infection grows "

(Fred Cohen)

The first time the term "virus" is used by Fred Cohen in 1984 in United States. A computer virus called "virus" because it has some fundamental equation with the virus in medical terms (biologicalviruses).

Computer viruses can be interpreted as a computer program.but have fundamental differences with other programs, namely virus designed to infect other programs, changemanipulate it even hurt it. There is to be noted herevirus will infect only if a trigger program or programs you have infected was executed, where it differs with the "worm". Writing This worm will not be discussed because the later will divert us from discussion of this virus.


A program called the new virus can be said is completely true virus when at least have 5 criteria: 

1. The ability of a virus to obtain information 

2. His ability to examine a program 

3. His ability to reproduce and transmit 
4. His ability to manipulate 
5. His ability to conceal themselves. 

Now will try to explain briefly what is meant from each Every ability is and why it is needed. 

1. The ability to obtain information 

In general, a virus requires a list of file names that exist in a directory, for what? so that he can identify what programs Just who will he the infection, such as macro viruses that will infect all files ending in *. doc after the virus was found, this is where the ability gather the information necessary for the virus to create a list / all data files, continue to sort them by looking for files that can be infected. Normally this data is created when an infected program or even a virus program is executed. The virus will immediately take data collection and put them in RAM, so if computer is turned off all the data is lost but will be created each program virus run and is usually created as hidden files by virus. 

2. The ability to check divulging program 

A virus must also be biased to examine a program that will be in infection, for example, he served infect *.doc extension program, he must check if a file document has been infected or not, It's very useful to improve the ability of a virus in terms of speed infect a file / program.Yang commonly performed by the virus is have / give a mark on the files / programs that have been infected so easy to recognize by the virus. Sample marking is such as to provide a unique bytes in each file have been infected. 

3. The ability to multiply 

The core of the virus is the ability to reproduce itself by infecting other programs. A virus if the victim has found candidates (Either a file or program), then he will recognize it with a check, if it is not infected then the virus will initiate action to infect by writing the byte identifiers in the program / file, and so copy the copy / write the object code of the virus on the file / program infected. Some common ways that done by the virus to reproduce itself are: 

a. Files / Programs that will acquire deleted or renamed. then created a file using that name by using the virus 
it (ie virus name change by the name of the deleted file) 
b. Virus program already in execution / loads into memory will be directly infect other files by way of riding all the files / programs existing. 

4. Their ability to manipulate 

Routine (routine) owned by a virus will be executed after the virus infect a file / program. contents of this routine can be varied ranging from the lightest to destruction. This routine is generally used to manipulate the program or popularizing the creators! This routine advantage of the ability of an operating system (Operating System),  so have the same ability with the present system operation. example: 

a. Create a picture or message on the monitor 
b. Replace / change the change the label of each file, directory, or the label of drive on the pc 
c. Manipulating programs / files that infected 
d. Destructive programs / files 
e. Disrupting the printer working 

5. The ability to hide themselves 

The ability to hide themselves must be owned by a virus for all  good job from the beginning to the success of transmission can be accomplished. the usual steps are: 

-Original program / virus is stored in coded form and machines combined with  Other programs that are considered useful by the user. 

-Virus program is put on the boot record or tracks that rarely  note by the computer itself 

-Virus program is made as short as possible, and the results are not infected files changing size 
-The virus does not change the description of time a file


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